Let Me Talk....

Well, clearly I don't recall telling erin that our lives are uneventful. I mean come on we stay up late to wait for Paul's letters on Sundays coming all the way froom Korea, we watch episodes of pushing daisies on abc.com, we even sometimes put whip cream on our ice-cream, but that is only if we are lucky. If this doesn't sound very eventful then I don't know what is...oh yeah, I watched erin put together the newest additions to the family room...two chairs. Now that was funny.

I really just wanted to post something I read today that supposedly some psycologist wrote...it says...it is easier to act yourself into a new way of thinking then to think yourself into a new way of acting...think about that for a second...yes you should read it again to make sure you understand what it says because it is very insightful especially to those who are striving to "be like jesus." (say that with your best singing voice) That's all for me today and just remember that erin's perception of fun is sometimes distorted. I love you erin.


Anonymous said...

you nut case! you are right though, we do have pretty exciting lives. korean letters, whipped cream on icecream and abc.com. what would we do w/o abc.com???

Josh & Kaitlin said...

well clearly you are married. that is definitely the summary of a married couples week.

Stacey said...

She got married?!?! To who?! Derek? Please tell me it was Derek. Actually...I'm ok with her being married in real life. That actually makes me really happy cause Derek is married in real life and I'm glad they can just act all their drama and not have to actually live it