The Begining of Basketball

A majestic game all started out with this man: James Naismith. Young basketball enthusiast have written many essays about this man. He is the founder and inventor of the game of basketball.

Mr. Naismith wanted to create a game that could be played indoors during the winter time so that his students wouldn't have to go out in the cold. This Canadian has had a major impact on American sports due to the popularity that basketball has at all levels in the United States and now increasingly throughout the world. It has been said even that basketball is the most popular indoor sport in the world. While in Massachuesets this Canadian invented the game while working for the YMCA back in 1891.
One of the major differences between the game he invented and the rules as we have them now is how the "jump
ball" is used. When James created the game after every made basket, there would be a jump ball in the middle of the court between two players of the opposing team to see who would get the ball first. Now, when a basket is made the ball falls through the net and the opposing automa
tically gets to have possession of the basketball. Also back then when the ball went out of bounds the first team to retrieve the ball got to have possession. Now a days the team who touches the ball last before it goes out gives up possession to the other team. The last major difference is that Naismith originally used normal baskets. When a team would make a shot into the basket they would then have to climb up there to take the ball out. We now have hoops that allow the balls to drop all the way through the net. This allows the game to move more quickly with less stopages.
Though I like to tease my Northern Neigbors (the canadians) I will always be greatful that Mr. Naismith created a game that has given me so much excercise, joy, and friendships throughout the years. For years to come, just like I did when I was young, kids of all ages will continue to write reports a bout the founding father of the greatest game ever created: BASKETBALL.


Anonymous said...

looks like that basketball has laces. weird!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I always thought basketball was an American invention and the Canadians' was lacrosse.

Anonymous said...

Yeah the ball had laces back in the day, but that is partly because they weren't allowed to dribble back then only pass. Kind of like frizzbie football when once you catch the ball you can't move but you have to just pass it again.

@bong only the guy was canadian. He lived in the US when he made the game though. So kinda half and half

Unknown said...

Thank you for that brief history lesson on the origins of basketball.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Not sure where to post this but I wanted to ask if anyone has heard of National Clicks?

Can someone help me find it?

Overheard some co-workers talking about it all week but didn't have time to ask so I thought I would post it here to see if someone could help me out.

Seems to be getting alot of buzz right now.
