EntreCard Continues....

I have now been using Entrecard for almost a month!!! It has been fun. I have learned a great deal about the blogosphere from all of you who also participate. It is hard not to become a "dropping" fanatic. I hit 300 card drops for the first time the other day, which is the max amount of drops you can make in a day for those of you who were unaware, which may constitute an "addict." I don't know though....you decide. If or when you hit 300 card drops let me know so I can send you a big fat "congrats" because it is not the easiest thing in the world to do. I am actually glad there is a limit or otherwise my wife would never see me come out of the office.
I am starting a new tradition for you EntreCard fanatics. Every Friday I will announce who has been my top 3 droppers (I still need to decide if this will be an all time thing or just the past week thing...maybe I will just announce both categories) and also either the top 3 commenters of the week. I will give you some "link love" isn't that what they call it and if I can figure it out I will also let the top 3 advertise on my site for free. (I just need to figure out how to get your little 125x125 ad up on my blog besides the one from the widget. I know one of you has to know how to do this. Part of the problem is that I am in blogger but if you have any suggestions please let me know.) That is the plan though. I just want to be able to "publicly" thank all of you who drop on my site on a regular basis and this should be a good way to do that.
Thanks again for the love...and as one fellow entrecard user suggested, though stolen from the song, "keep dropin like it's HOT!!"
My top 3 droppers of all time are as follows:
In first place is......the one and only...............Fantasy Baseball
Coming in second place all time is................Saphrym
And finally in third place................Movies Illustrated
Great work you three. Everyone should go check out their blogs. Thanks for stopin by so often. Now it is a close race so the rest of you can still catch up. Remember I will be doing this every Friday so stay tuned and keep droppin. Next week I will also include a top commentator or two. So let's get those discussions goin. Happy droppin!!!


mikster said...

I just joined entrecard a few days ago. So far I've been impressed with the place. If you're dropping 300 cards a day do you leave any comments or read any of the blogs? (Just curious.)

Anonymous said...

It depends what my timeline is. I have only reached 300 drops once, so for me it is more the exception to the rule. If I have time I will read more than others, even if I am just trying to drop as fast as I can something always catches my eye and I read for a bit. And I don't make as many comments as I would like but I am trying to get in the habit of doing that more regularly.

Anonymous said...

I just joined 10 minutes ago, it's really fun! hehehe.. so far, i read all blogs of my droppers hehe

Unknown said...

Cool. Keep up the work ;)

RollerKaty said...

Hi James,

I am also using Blogger and it's pretty easy to add a pic to your template - I have added my own Entrecard pic on my blog so I can advertise myself, so to speak. In the customize menu, select "Template", and then in the template select "Add a Page Element" - looks like yours is on the right side. Then select the "picture" option. Or you can select the "HTML/Javascript" option and add in the picture using html code.

Hope that helps!


SueEllen Cowan said...

I have been using Entrecard for about a month and do like the increased traffic to my blog. I do not make as many drops as a lot of people but I have dialup and withing the time frame I allow myself on the computer, I just can not drop that many. I also stop to read a lot of the blogs and to make comments such as this one. I love what Entrecard is doing though and highly recommend it.

Anonymous said...

whew! it would be rough on my side to hit 300 :D . hope to be one of your top droppers someday :) ... Welcome to Entrecard or I should say "Welcome to the Dropping Zone"

Anonymous said...

Wow, 300 cards in a day! That made my hand hurt just reading it.

I found you through Entrecard. I'm liking the service so far. I'm discovering such great new reads!

Cleveland Real Estate said...

I've been a member for 3 days, hit 300 each day, read every blog, commented on every one, participate in the forums, give recommendations, send thank you messages, read the site's blog and then brush my teeth and start all over...

I did forget to eat, shower, feed the pets, go to work and I also forgot to use the bathroom, (once)