The Journey of a New Blogger

blogI have been blogging now for over a month and I have already learned so much about the blogosphere, SEO, creating websites, etc. There is so much more to learn and it is exciting to know that I will be able to continue this hobby for as long as I want and that I can do it in the comfort of my own home. Here are some things I have learned already.

1. Making Money: There are a million and one different ways that people will suggest to you to make money or that you will hear about from different blogs, forums, and comments. Don't get overwhelmed. Have fun with a couple and eventually choose which ones you feel most comfortable and then keep with those for awhile.

2. Cliques in the Blogosphere: Just as the movies "Mean Girls," "Hairspray," and "10 Things I Hate About You," taught us, there is no difference in the blogosphere. There are definitely little cliques all around us. They like to call themselves social networkers, professional bloggers, or herd-leaders. They tend to stick together and find fault with everyone around them, especially those they see as competitors or weaklings. I guess it is just human nature. Come on people. Haven't most of us finished high school?!

3. Great People: In contrast to the above statements there are numerous people out here in the blogosphere that are simply phenomenal. Most are just ordinary people like you and me, but that is what makes them so great. They are willing to share their thoughts, experiences, and beliefs with complete strangers for the strengthening of the community. Find them. They are all over.

4. Blogging is only getting Bigger: The best evidence of this for me occurred while I was watching CNN the other day. I am closely following the presidential primaries, Go Mitt, and CNN interviewed a political blogger. They asked him "what are the bloggers saying about this or that?" "What issues/candidate is being talked about the most?" At first I thought, "that is so funny that these political reporters are searching for what the blogosphere is saying." Then I thought, "how powerful." Blogging is just starting to get popular and as our generation continues to age and become the leaders of the world, blogging will only get bigger.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! I agree with your points, especially about the overwhelming aspect and the cliques. In the make money niche there can be quite a bit of pride which borders on arrogance too. As for blogging the hobby, I find it quite interesting learning all the ins and outs of SEO, html and blogging so you most likely will enjoy it too!

Unknown said...

Welcome. You have a lot to learn. Blogging is a life cahnging experience. If you work at it that is. I have also noticed the media's use of blogs.

Unknown said...

I've found a few cliques too but that doesn't bother me one bit. The world is big enough for everyone to shine!