Have You Seen "Sicko"

If you have then let's talk. If you haven't you need to. Go right now and rent it. It is on DVD now. I don't know much about Micheal Moore, but after watching "Sicko" I am impressed in the type of information that he is able to bring to the citizens of the United States. The movie is about the Health Care System we have in the United States. During his discussion of the U.S. he also visits Canada, London, France and Cuba. In doing so he compares the health care system of the United States to that of these countries. From what I understand he is very liberal and though I lean more to the conservative side of politics I was enchanted by what he presents. Here are some of my thoughts.

Health Care Reform in the US is IMPERATIVE! Something has to change. Hilary Clinton has been the most vocal about changing the health care system though I am not sure that here specific plan is something I would agree with, I am glad that she has raised the issue throughout her political career. As an Economics major I am all for free markets and less government regulation, including the privatization of most sectors and industries. The problem in the US is that the health care system is consider "privatised" yet it is highly regulated and is manipulated by the rich and the greedy. A true free market is one where information is widely public and accessible, which is not the case. Also a free market is one where the boundaries of entry and exit are easily attainable to the masses, which is also not the case. The bottom line is that we need health care reform in the US.

If you live in the US make sure you have health insurance. Even if you have health insurance, the insurance company might screw you. So make sure that you do have it otherwise your financial life may be ruined for years to come. All it takes is one accident or one complication and without health insurance you will incur doctors fees up to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Fly to France if you will not be able to pay the medical expenses. Sounds funny. The US tends to make fun of the French but the bottom line is that if you are healthy enough to fly to France before a much needed surgery or birth of a baby then it will save you money. I don't know how much a ticket costs round trip. Let's say $3000. If that's the case fly there, walk into a hospital and they will take care of you for FREE you will not have any doctor bills and then fly home. It is incredible the way the movie "Sicko" describes the health care system in France. If it is all true then I might be moving there sooner than later.

There are some other thoughts I have about the health care system but I will save that for a future discussion. Let me know what you think. If you are from another country, what is your health care system like? Do you have to pay for it? Do you get to choose your doctor? Do you like it? Go and rent the movie for the rest of you who haven't seen it yet. It will definitely be eye opening to say the least. Finally, sign up for my feed if you haven't yet so that you will always get the latest insights from Big Game.


Cleveland Real Estate said...

Aww come on, who needs healthcare!? The polar ice caps are melting!

*Eats a Twinkie*

Anonymous said...

The Problem with the ideas presented in sicko is that in part, some of them are true. But the movie is propaganda because it only shows one side of the story.

For example, if you fly to France as a U.S. citizen, then yes, the healthcare would be free for you. Yet we know that nothing is free, so who pays for it? The French people do. But what Michael Moore does is pimping the idea that this is a better system. And it works for him to a degree. Why?

It works because it is shown to people who are paying out of pocket as a free service, without ever explaining that, if instituted, you will be paying for it out of taxes.

So, to this I say, you show me one service that the Government has taken over and provides cheaper than the private sector, and we could have a debate. But the fact is, even though the post office, for example, has no direct competition and gets government grants, it still receives heavy competition and in fact lags behind in the overnight delivery business.

Schools are another example. The government pays far more than twice what the private schools do to educate a child, and privately educated kids test better time after time.

When one looks at the true cost of government healthcare, as opposed to the out of pocket costs of free enterprise helthcare, it's hard to support any type of legislation that would let the Feds take it over.

Anonymous said...

I understand what you are saying...the problem is that the government waste billions of dollars everyday because of all the lobbyist and special interest groups. i.e. "the bridge to no where" in alaska, the war, and every other inefficiency. It would be great if all that money could have been spent on improving the health care system.
My favorite quote from the movie is when he is interviewing the old guy in London and the guy loves democracy and then he says "during the war the economy is strong and people have jobs so we decided that during peace time we would spend that same money and create the same jobs in the health care system."
I definitely agree that the private sector is more efficient, but that is assuming that there is perfect competition, or close to perfect competition, the problem with health care is that there isn't much competition and as long as it stays this way, the private sector will not be able to improve the health care system by themselves.
Also I am not for raising taxes, I just think they should use all the tax dollars that we currently give and use that towards health care.
Thanks for your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I agree that health care needs to reform. Insurance companies and pharmaceutical co.s are operating for the bottom line only (It's all about the money). When people operate without a conscience, something needs to be done.

Honestly though, I think that the elements of competition and free market need to be introduced back into the health care system rather than US citizens paying for it with taxes. I really can't afford more taxes, and I don't go to the doctor often.

There is a lot of waste in the government already. They have shown almost universally (military excepted) that government run programs are less efficient that private run. Take USPS compared to UPS. I ALWAYS wait in line for 30 minutes or more at the post office. Or how about the drivers license office. Our local one doesn't open until 9 a.m. and closes at 4. Even when they open, it takes a good 30 minute wait (I was the first in line) while they get computers up. That makes it really hard for a working person to get their license changed over.

Get the government out of health care. It would be alot better.

Anonymous said...

I definitely understand. I love what Glen Beck said that if the government took over the health care system "it would be like going to the dmv."

Cromely said...

Ultimately, I think some form of socialized (or more socialized) medicine will come to the US. But it won't be driven by the Democrats or the left.

When it comes, it will come from the corporate Republicans on the right.

One of the reasons companies find it cheaper to hire workers over seas is that they do not have to deal with health insurance as part of worker pay.

GM is just one example of a company that is losing money, in part, because it has to provide health insurance to workers and retirees. Companies like this will demand the federal government take over the insurance burden so they are free-er to compete with companies in countries with socialized medicine.

Anonymous said...

great point. Hillary made a comment that stuck out to me. She said there were 3 ways to do it: government provided, work provided, or something else. We will see what happens.

Anonymous said...

great point. Hillary made a comment that stuck out to me. She said there were 3 ways to do it: government provided, work provided, or something else. We will see what happens.

Unknown said...

Never seen "Sicko". I want to though. Never knew the French had such a good healthcare system.

xoxo said...

actually France has the best healthcare, it's more efficient and cheaper than we pay overall and better survival rates more doctors per person and lower wait times.People from england go to France for healthcare.I know i was there and talked to some.Check out this for more info http://letsaskquestions.blogspot.com/2008/01/proof-socialism-works.html

Peter Leyshan said...

I've watched SiCKO, and all I can say is I'm glad I live in Australia where we have free universal healthcare.