Finally 22

We went to Brett's football game last Friday. On the way up we stopped at UOP to look at their law school. We sat in a fake court where the students were practicing. I can't believe James is going to be doing that! Crazy! I did some gardening on Saturday. Sunday James spoke in the Spanish branch. Monday was work and James took me to the mall to try on the cutest Gap coat ever. I'm going to buy it.

This morning James surprised me with donuts, milk, an apple pie for a snack at work, and flowers. It was sweet, forreal. He was so cute and proud of himself for getting me surprises. Of course, he is cute and I am proud. After work he took me to a movie. We haven't been to a movie in so long. After we went to dinner w/ my parents and little brother. It seriously was like the best birthday ever. Well, is, because it's not over yet. One of the best parts though... James and Peter made me a birthday cake. James wanted to do it instead of having my mom. I love that it says "James" all over it hahaha.'

Oh, and my mom brought me peppermint hot chocolate and a poinsettia to keep in my office at work. I am so glad I can say I'm 22. I've wanted to be 22 for a long time. I didn't feel 21 at all. Okay, that's it!


Stacey said...

I'm so excited for you and your awesome birthday!!!! I wish I was there to celebrate it with you. I can't wait to have a combined birthday party someday :)

Stacey said...

ps where does it say James on the cake? and what is it made out of??

Josh & Kaitlin said...

that cake does say "james" all over it. what did it taste like?

Tyler Mulligan said...

That cake is amazing.