Yay for December!

It's already December and I am LOVING it! Only three weeks until vacation starts and four until I'm done working. Absolutely crazy. I can't believe how fast five months has gone by. Well, only four have gone by, but I know this last one is going to go by quickly.

The best part about it being December is that I get to see these three little chickens!

One of my biggest wishes ever is that my kids get know their aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents! (I guess I could have worded that sentence better.) I didn't grow up knowing my extended family (I STILL don't really know my extended family), but I really hope that my kids get the chance to know theirs. My parents, sisters, brothers, nieces, nephew and in-laws are all so important to me and I would be SO sad if my kids didn't get to know them too!


Josh & Kaitlin said...

awwwwwwwwww i'm sooooo excited!

Stacey said...

You took like a million years to post again!! But I am very happy that you did.
I never really knew my extended family, either. I still haven't met some of my cousins. But I really like all my siblings and all of my siblings-in-law, so I really hope my kids get to know all of them, too!!

Anonymous said...

wow, nice bunch of pretty kids you've got! i also got 3 beautiful kids, 1 girl and 2 boys.
well, here in the Philippines, everyone has extended family.happy holidays!