PushUps for Presents

My title doesn't necessarily tell the story but I like it nonetheless. So I found this website entrecards.com that lets you make an ebusiness card and connects you to alll the other bloggers out there that also have the card. When you go to their sites you can drop off your card and they can drop off their card. People can also "pay" you to advertise on your site. Down on the bottom of the right column you will see someone's blog that gave me so many "credits" to advertise their blog. With these credits I can "advertise" our blog on other people's blogs. It is fun and a great way to find other bloggers. The traffic to our blog has already increased 10 fold in about a day.

One blogger has the "1000's PushUps" blog and I found this intriguing and so I want to go for it. Here is one way to get there:

"The schedule is 10 days long, and looks like this:Days 1, 3, 5, 7, 9: 200 push-ups each day in as few sets as possible, resting 2 minutes between each set.Days 2, 4, 6, 8, 10: 200 push-ups each day however you'd like to do them; the number of sets and rest time doesn't matter."

I am going to try it and see how consistent I can stay. It's only 10 days...I guess a lot can happen in 10 days though...maybe like...losing a guy...lol


mariam said...

Hi BG,

Returning a visit from Entrecard :) So far, it's been really great for traffic and networking purposes.

See you around the blogosphere and I will return!

Mariam - Money Relations

Unknown said...

Found you on Entrecard! I'm really liking it! Take care.

Jack Bravo said...

Hey man, that's awesome!! I hope it goes well - let me know! :)


Jack Bravo said...

sorry...I mean to say:

Hey Man or Woman
