Eventhough I know Mr. Chapman was loving all the woman who were showing up on my blog because of the google ads I had put up. I am sorry Mr. Chapman.
If you didn't notice I cleaned up the blog quite a bit...even to the point that it seems kinda boring now. As I write this I realize--being that everything I took down was basically ads--how sometimes life seems "boring" when we aren't being barbarded by marketing or constantly being entertained. Even reading is a way to preoccupy our minds with the thoughts of others, keeping us from creating our own thoughts and ideas. I realized this as I was reading Barack's book "The Audacity of Hope." As a side note, I am not a Barack supporter due to his seemingly lack of economic prowness when it comes to some of his potential policies. Disregarding that, I am interested in how he came to be. I will let you know how it goes. As I read his thoughts about the constitution, morals, and life in general I am suprisingly motivated to continue to create my own ideals, shaping my own "potential policies."
Personally, we are back in Livermore. The beach was a great vacation and we hope we can make it back down there, if for nothing more, than some more homemade garlic pizza. MmmmmMmmmm!!
I Had to Make Some Changes...
Posted by
james & erin
When to Buy, When to Sell is always...
A tough question when talking about investments. Who could have predicted what would happen to home prices over the previous 5 years and then the huge drop the past year? Not many..if any. In preparing people's taxes I learn all about how much they bought their home for and how much they sold it for. I get to hear all the stories of crazy appreciation and more recently the stories of lost value. For the average person it is just luck and timing. What about stock? Is there any way to accurately predict what will happen in the future? Simply, no. Especially in the short run. There are many theories and ideas of how to predict the potential appreciation in the value of a company's stock, but they are theories and ideas. They sometimes work and they sometimes don't. Consequently, it is best to have a general rule to apply to your purchasing and selling of stock. Not a theory but a rule.
In an article by James Stewart in Smart Money magazine, the wall street journal magazine, James shares one of his rules as an investor. Let me share that with you. James considers himself a journalist and not a day trader. He doesn't stay glued to the computer fretting about stock prices, yet he does have a rule that he lives by in order to maximize his profits. This rule works especially well when there is so much volatility in the market, though it may be tough to catch the down turns because sometimes they don't last very long, but overall it will always work. James calls this his Common Sense Approach. What he does is "buy on 10 percent declines in the NASDAQ and sells on 25 percent gains." By following this simple rule he is able to always buy low and sell high.
Over the past year there have been record gains in a short period of time after a small down turn in the market. This means that if you were just casually keeping track of the market and had a couple of stocks in mind you could have easily bought them after the had fallen 10 percent and then cashed in as the stocks quickly rebounded with the market. You don't have to be a day trader to do this. It is a simple rule buy 10 down, sell 25 up. Easy enough. Ideally every person, especially college aged like myself would have some money in a Roth IRA and/or a college savings plan which can earn interest tax free. Think about it. All your gains are tax free. Crazy! If you are not taking advantage of this then it is time that you start. With a minimal investment you can open up a Roth IRA and then invest with the following rule: buy 10 down, sell25 up. Follow this rule and watch your tax free money begin to add up. Keep on investing and following the rule and you will have plenty of money to retire on, even if you don't save much more than the maximum IRA contribution year. And imagine it will be tax free!!
On a side note, working with individual tax returns has taught me something. The wealthier higher earning people do their best to avoid taxes and take advantage of tax free earnings, while lower income people have not even heard of such investment vehicles let alone be investing in one. It starts with financial education. Don't be one of my latter clients. Be high earners that know how to invest.
Posted by
james & erin
US Economy: Will it Turn Around?
In the January 7 edition of Forbes magazine, Ernesto Zedillo, the former president of mexico and now director of the yale center for the study of globalization has an intriguing article. He touches on the recent down fall of the US economy and how the global economy will be affected during 2008. One of the problems that he mentions is America's propensity to consume and our negative savings rate. As many of you may be well aware the savings rate is negative in the United States. That means that on average an American citizen spends more money than they make. It means that a growing number of the US population is imprisoned by debt. Ernesto mentions that this behavior of "swallowing our savings" has troubled many analysts because in the rest of the world there is a "savings glut." Other countries around the world love to save. This is our major problem, not big corporations and not corrupt bankers and brokers. It is us.
The reason why we are even in a credit "crunch" is primarily because Americans have no soul. It is not because some broker wanted to make more money though that is part of the problem and let me emphasize, they are only a smalll part of the problem. The major catalyst is the prideful desires of american citizens. We do not respect money and what money can give us. No, we only love what money can buy. Therefore, even if we don't have the money we lust after the "things" we can have and consume. Eventually this lusting forces us to buy the product on credit. We will refinance our homes, or even take out second mortgages so that we can buy more and more stuff. We will even sell our souls for the new plasma, car, bigger house or lates video game console. Thus, we have no principles, no self control, no morals and sadly enough, NO Soul.
Consequently, the government should not step in and help the economy. The markets need to correct themselves. If GDP must decrease because Americans are finally realizing that they can't just keep buying everything they want then let it decrease. They are begining to realize that if they are not smarter with their money they will lose their homes. Reality is finally starting to settle in. If I don't have the money then I can't buy it. What a concept. If millions of Americans need to lose thier homes so that they and the rest of prideful america can wake up, then so be it. But no. We have some fake Republican in the white house who is now going to "fix" the problem by sending people more money. It is ridiculous and it will only encourage people to not learn that they can not spend more than they make. Though this "stimulus" package may help in the very short run in the long run it will only continue to damage the crumbling value of the dollar and continue to distort American's view of reality. Wake up People! Think for yourselves! Regain Your Soul!
Posted by
james & erin
The Begining of Basketball
A majestic game all started out with this man: James Naismith. Young basketball enthusiast have written many essays about this man. He is the founder and inventor of the game of basketball.
Mr. Naismith wanted to create a game that could be played indoors during the winter time so that his students wouldn't have to go out in the cold. This Canadian has had a major impact on American sports due to the popularity that basketball has at all levels in the United States and now increasingly throughout the world. It has been said even that basketball is the most popular indoor sport in the world. While in Massachuesets this Canadian invented the game while working for the YMCA back in 1891.One of the major differences between the game he invented and the rules as we have them now is how the "jump ball" is used. When James created the game after every made basket, there would be a jump ball in the middle of the court between two players of the opposing team to see who would get the ball first. Now, when a basket is made the ball falls through the net and the opposing automa tically gets to have possession of the basketball. Also back then when the ball went out of bounds the first team to retrieve the ball got to have possession. Now a days the team who touches the ball last before it goes out gives up possession to the other team. The last major difference is that Naismith originally used normal baskets. When a team would make a shot into the basket they would then have to climb up there to take the ball out. We now have hoops that allow the balls to drop all the way through the net. This allows the game to move more quickly with less stopages.
Though I like to tease my Northern Neigbors (the canadians) I will always be greatful that Mr. Naismith created a game that has given me so much excercise, joy, and friendships throughout the years. For years to come, just like I did when I was young, kids of all ages will continue to write reports a bout the founding father of the greatest game ever created: BASKETBALL.
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james & erin
Labels: basketball, hoops, Naismith, NBA
My Weekly Top Droppers
I have a lot of love to send out this week. First off let me say thank you to Geek Mom Mashup. She was the very first blogger of all time for me to get into my top spots and donate towards the Law School Tuition Fund. Thank you very very much. Second, was Saving Lives Thank you so much for your generosity. To all you readers out there...Please go visit their sites and support them in their causes. Help us continue to create a tightly binded community of bloggers on Entrecard and throughout the blogosphere.
If you were unaware every week I also give some link love the people who have dropped their entrecard on my site the most over the past 30 days. This past months top droppers are as follows:
Fantasy Baseball
Dark is Easy
Thanks for your all your support. It was a close race but these 3 prevailed.
Posted by
james & erin
People Helping People
One of the greatest virtues of blogging is how it connects people all over the world. Due to its annonymity we are able to create friendships without any preconcieved notions based on looks. It also allows us to help one another in various ways. I am currently in the process of applying to law school. I have applied to 19 schools, which is very expensive in itself, and I am now waiting to hear back from some more schools. I have already been accepted to some of the schools and I will need to decide where I will go pretty soon. One truth is that no matter where I end up going it will be very expensive. Consequently, as you will notice the new widgets. I have decided to ASK you, no BEG you to CHIP'IN and help me out. Yes there are a lot of lawyers but NOT ENOUGH GOOD LAWYERS!!
As you may have noticed I have added two widgets onto my sidebar. One of the widgets is very common and the other one I have not seen except for on one other website and I thought it was so great that I donated some money to the fund. Now I am asking you..my visitors..HELP ME OUT!! Every dime that gets donated to the fund and the website will go towards my tuition.
The first widget is by "ScratchBack.com." This is the widget that says "are you in my top spots?" This widget allows us to help eachother with some real "link love." I have set it up that by donating $3 to my law school tuition fund you will have your link on the widget until all the spots get filled. It is a simple way of saying "thank you" for the donation.
The second widget is called "chipin." This has a very similar idea behind it except for it is more annonymous. Let's reach the goal and RAISE $8,000 by AUGUST. (that is when I will start my first semester). I will DEFINITELY show some love to the FIRST people that DONATE.
Thanks for all your SUPPORT!!!
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james & erin
Labels: donate, law school, tuition
Have You Seen "Sicko"
If you have then let's talk. If you haven't you need to. Go right now and rent it. It is on DVD now. I don't know much about Micheal Moore, but after watching "Sicko" I am impressed in the type of information that he is able to bring to the citizens of the United States. The movie is about the Health Care System we have in the United States. During his discussion of the U.S. he also visits Canada, London, France and Cuba. In doing so he compares the health care system of the United States to that of these countries. From what I understand he is very liberal and though I lean more to the conservative side of politics I was enchanted by what he presents. Here are some of my thoughts.
Health Care Reform in the US is IMPERATIVE! Something has to change. Hilary Clinton has been the most vocal about changing the health care system though I am not sure that here specific plan is something I would agree with, I am glad that she has raised the issue throughout her political career. As an Economics major I am all for free markets and less government regulation, including the privatization of most sectors and industries. The problem in the US is that the health care system is consider "privatised" yet it is highly regulated and is manipulated by the rich and the greedy. A true free market is one where information is widely public and accessible, which is not the case. Also a free market is one where the boundaries of entry and exit are easily attainable to the masses, which is also not the case. The bottom line is that we need health care reform in the US.
If you live in the US make sure you have health insurance. Even if you have health insurance, the insurance company might screw you. So make sure that you do have it otherwise your financial life may be ruined for years to come. All it takes is one accident or one complication and without health insurance you will incur doctors fees up to hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Fly to France if you will not be able to pay the medical expenses. Sounds funny. The US tends to make fun of the French but the bottom line is that if you are healthy enough to fly to France before a much needed surgery or birth of a baby then it will save you money. I don't know how much a ticket costs round trip. Let's say $3000. If that's the case fly there, walk into a hospital and they will take care of you for FREE you will not have any doctor bills and then fly home. It is incredible the way the movie "Sicko" describes the health care system in France. If it is all true then I might be moving there sooner than later.
There are some other thoughts I have about the health care system but I will save that for a future discussion. Let me know what you think. If you are from another country, what is your health care system like? Do you have to pay for it? Do you get to choose your doctor? Do you like it? Go and rent the movie for the rest of you who haven't seen it yet. It will definitely be eye opening to say the least. Finally, sign up for my feed if you haven't yet so that you will always get the latest insights from Big Game.
Posted by
james & erin
Labels: canada, france, health care, micheal moore, sicko, socialism
All Time 3 Top Droppers
The week is ending again and I didn't get to write as many posts as I wanted to this week but that is how it goes sometimes. It's tax season so I am busy doin everybody's taxes. Let me know if you have any questions about your taxes and maybe I could help you out a bit. I want to give some love to those 3 top droppers. Next week I will probably do my top 5 droppers.
Here we go....Still at the top we have.... Fantasy Baseball
Still in second place we have.....Saphrym
And winning a very close 3rd place is ............Black Tennis Pro
Great job you 3. Thanks for the love and lets keep it up. The race is still really close so make sure you keep it up. I plan on posting much more regularly this week. Have a great weekend everybody.
Posted by
james & erin
Top Droppers
Remember tomorrow is Friday and I will be announcing my top droppers of all time once again. As of right now first and second place have pretty much been decided, but Third place is still up for grabs. Make sure you drop your card daily so you can work your way to the top and get some extra link love.
Posted by
james & erin
The Journey of a New Blogger
blogI have been blogging now for over a month and I have already learned so much about the blogosphere, SEO, creating websites, etc. There is so much more to learn and it is exciting to know that I will be able to continue this hobby for as long as I want and that I can do it in the comfort of my own home. Here are some things I have learned already.
1. Making Money: There are a million and one different ways that people will suggest to you to make money or that you will hear about from different blogs, forums, and comments. Don't get overwhelmed. Have fun with a couple and eventually choose which ones you feel most comfortable and then keep with those for awhile.
2. Cliques in the Blogosphere: Just as the movies "Mean Girls," "Hairspray," and "10 Things I Hate About You," taught us, there is no difference in the blogosphere. There are definitely little cliques all around us. They like to call themselves social networkers, professional bloggers, or herd-leaders. They tend to stick together and find fault with everyone around them, especially those they see as competitors or weaklings. I guess it is just human nature. Come on people. Haven't most of us finished high school?!
3. Great People: In contrast to the above statements there are numerous people out here in the blogosphere that are simply phenomenal. Most are just ordinary people like you and me, but that is what makes them so great. They are willing to share their thoughts, experiences, and beliefs with complete strangers for the strengthening of the community. Find them. They are all over.
4. Blogging is only getting Bigger: The best evidence of this for me occurred while I was watching CNN the other day. I am closely following the presidential primaries, Go Mitt, and CNN interviewed a political blogger. They asked him "what are the bloggers saying about this or that?" "What issues/candidate is being talked about the most?" At first I thought, "that is so funny that these political reporters are searching for what the blogosphere is saying." Then I thought, "how powerful." Blogging is just starting to get popular and as our generation continues to age and become the leaders of the world, blogging will only get bigger.
Posted by
james & erin
Labels: blogging, blogosphere, make money online
EntreCard Continues....
I have now been using Entrecard for almost a month!!! It has been fun. I have learned a great deal about the blogosphere from all of you who also participate. It is hard not to become a "dropping" fanatic. I hit 300 card drops for the first time the other day, which is the max amount of drops you can make in a day for those of you who were unaware, which may constitute an "addict." I don't know though....you decide. If or when you hit 300 card drops let me know so I can send you a big fat "congrats" because it is not the easiest thing in the world to do. I am actually glad there is a limit or otherwise my wife would never see me come out of the office.
I am starting a new tradition for you EntreCard fanatics. Every Friday I will announce who has been my top 3 droppers (I still need to decide if this will be an all time thing or just the past week thing...maybe I will just announce both categories) and also either the top 3 commenters of the week. I will give you some "link love" isn't that what they call it and if I can figure it out I will also let the top 3 advertise on my site for free. (I just need to figure out how to get your little 125x125 ad up on my blog besides the one from the widget. I know one of you has to know how to do this. Part of the problem is that I am in blogger but if you have any suggestions please let me know.) That is the plan though. I just want to be able to "publicly" thank all of you who drop on my site on a regular basis and this should be a good way to do that.
Thanks again for the love...and as one fellow entrecard user suggested, though stolen from the song, "keep dropin like it's HOT!!"
My top 3 droppers of all time are as follows:
In first place is......the one and only...............Fantasy Baseball
Coming in second place all time is................Saphrym
And finally in third place................Movies Illustrated
Great work you three. Everyone should go check out their blogs. Thanks for stopin by so often. Now it is a close race so the rest of you can still catch up. Remember I will be doing this every Friday so stay tuned and keep droppin. Next week I will also include a top commentator or two. So let's get those discussions goin. Happy droppin!!!
Posted by
james & erin
BCS Bologne
Did anyone even watch the so called "championship" NCAA football game last night. I did. It felt just like any other bowl game. In December I went to the Emerald Bowl in San Francisco between Oregon St. and Maryland, two of the weaker teams in college football. As I watched last night I just thought how both of these games were so similar in that the two competing teams were invited to play in a bowl game. Really only the amount of money that the winning team would receive is the only substantial difference. Bowl games are all about money and I could bet that the college administrators of any school would defer to play in the "National Championship" game if they were invited to play in a bowl game that would pay them even more money.
It is disturbing for me to realize that college football is not just about who has the most heart and plays the best on the field but that it is saturated with greedy and power-hungry "leaders." At least in college basketball there is a huge tourney which allows any school to win and is not founded on the amount of money the school will receive. There are no other options but to play in the largest and most prominent tournament in the league. The kids and coaches sole purpose is to win the tournament. It is one of, if not, the greatest tournament in sports.
College football needs to change. If it doesn't it will only get worse. I watched parts of the game last night and I never felt like the team that one the game deserved to be called the best team in college football. LSU had two losses for goodness sake. They need to change or they will lose even more fan appeal than what they have already lost.
Posted by
james & erin
Labels: BCS, NCAA football